Beep test soccer
Beep test soccer

That eliminates the first three fitness tests above because they are not specific to soccer. First of all, soccer is not a continuous sport in that you are not always jogging through out the game. You sprint, jog then walk then jog again then sprint through the game. The first three listed above have inherent weaknesses built in.

beep test soccer

This is not an exhaustive list of all the available soccer fitness tests. The more distance you cover in the Yo Yo test the better the score. The time to complete each repetition increases as time goes on. You do a repetition then you rest for a given amount of time. Yo Yo Intermittent Recovery Test for soccer- This is a beep test as well but is different than the one above in that you don't run continuously for the whole fitness test.

beep test soccer

The beep test can be used to measure VO2max. They need to get from one set of cones to the next set before or at the beep. That means that the player will never stop running as long as the test is going. Beep test- This is a continuous version of the beep test.

beep test soccer

  • 2 mile test - The soccer player usually needs to run the 2 miles under a certain time to pass.
  • The point of this test is to run as far as possible in the 12 minutes given. So how do you really know which test is the right one for testing soccer fitness levels?įirst of all, here is a list of 4 possible fitness tests for soccer: The trick is knowing which one is best for testing fitness in soccer. I think all of us have seen a handful of soccer tests for fitness through out the years.

    Beep test soccer